Get to Know Hope's Leaders

Dr. William Browner
Medical Director

As a pediatrician with the USAF, Dr. Browner arrived in Anchorage, Alaska in 1978. After six years of service, he left the Air Force with the rank of Major in 1980 to establish a private practice in Pediatrics. That same year, he was recommended to interview for the position of Medical Consultant at Hope Community Resources (then Hope Cottages). His alignment with Hope's mission, vision, and values regarding human rights and values led him to remain with Hope ever since, now serving as our Medical Director.

Dr. Browner’s educational journey included attending the University of North Carolina in Charlotte, the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University, David Grant USAF Hospital, and the University of California at Davis. He was awarded the Pediatric Merit Award from Wake Forest University and from David Grant USAF Hospital. Specializing in the practice of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, he has received several awards from Hope Community Resources and the Anchorage community for his medical service.

Throughout his tenure, Dr. Browner has been the primary care provider for many Hope clients, first in his private practice from 1980 to 2006, and then in the outpatient pediatric department at Southcentral Foundation from 2006 to 2020. He has also been an advocate for the rights of individuals with developmental disabilities on local, national, and international levels. The growth of the organization and his personal growth through this advocacy work have shaped his journey. He believes that truly serving the needs of others can bring about profound change. With eyes wide open in a changing world, Dr. Browner continues his journey, knowing that the challenges to come will not define him, but rather refine him to his purpose.

Message Dr. William Browner

Dr. William Browner, Medical Director


Michele Girault

Executive Director

Michele Girault, Executive Director of Hope Community Resources

Tom Hiratsuka

Chief Financial Officer

Tom Hiratsuka, Chief Financial Officer

Raymond Collins III

Program Administrator

Raymond Collins, Program Administrator

Robin Siverson

Corporate Culture Director

Robin Siverson, Corporate Culture Director

Paul Ingram

Clinical Director

Paul Ingram, Clinical Director

Heather Sollenberger

Director of Intensive Supports

Heather Sollenberger, Director of Intensive Supports


Julie Mettler

Director of Community Support Services (Anchorage)

Julie Mettler, Director of Community Support Services

Mark Meyer

Director of Assisted Living Homes

Mark Meyer, Director of Assisted Living Homes

Pam Hawkins

Director of Community Support Services (MatSu, Seward, Kodiak)

Pam Hawkins, Director of Community Support Services

Gayle Wilson

Director of Community Support Services (Kenai)

Gayle Wilson, Director of Community Support Services

Jenny Moore

Director of Community Engagement (Lesko Discovery Center, Hope Studios, Willow Ranch)

Jenny Moore, Director of Community Engagement

Caitlyn Scott

Director of Human Resources

Caitlyn Scott, Director of Human Resources

Anthony Patarini

Director of Information Technology

Anthony Patarini, Director of Information Technology

 Jared Davis

Director of Properties & Maintenance

Jared Davis, Director of Property & Maintenance